
Stand out with
higher scores & better Tripadvisor reviews

Collect more TripAdvisor reviews and boost your hotel’s online reputation with Whistle.

Better reviews and better results

Whis­tle con­duct­ed an inter­nal case study among Unit­ed States based hotels who are using Whis­tle to request and col­lect Tri­pAd­vi­sor reviews from guests. The results: click-through rates as high as 76% and 21% of guests who clicked-through left a review for the hotel

More than a review, it’s your reputation

Fact: over 74% of guests vis­it Tri­pAd­vi­sor at one point dur­ing their path to book­ing. With Whis­tle, your hotel can lever­age mes­sag­ing as a high­ly effec­tive means to review collection

Improve TripAdvisor reviews, increase service scores, and elevate the experience throughout the entire guest journey.

Automated and authenticated

Guests don’t need to sign in or go through any addi­tion­al steps, they sim­ply leave your hotel a review, and your team is noti­fied right away. Reviews are auto-authen­ti­cat­ed and you con­trol when the review mes­sage is sent out.

Whis­tle suc­cess­ful­ly applies prin­ci­ples we deeply care about at Ama­zon: to con­tin­u­ous­ly evolve a solu­tion by learn­ing from and lis­ten­ing to cus­tomers. Whistle’s core offer­ing, like mes­sag­ing, lever­ages the AWS cloud to be able to dri­ve inno­va­tion and do it fast.

Florian Tinnus

Glob­al Head of Part­ners Trav­el and Hos­pi­tal­i­ty @ Ama­zon Web Services

Con­tact­less Cus­tomer Com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Con­nect to guests before dur­ing and after their stay. Con­tact­less expe­ri­ence which is need­ed in this world we live in today.


Gina McKee

VP Enter­prise SaaS Sales @ Cloudbeds

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